Friday, October 26, 2012

Sunday, October 28: "Transferable Skills: What drug dealers and single heads of household know that many MBA graduates don't."

On October 28, we will be cataloging thefinancial tools we use, the ones we need to learn, and examine personal financial literacy in the larger context of business literacy and then we will be using business literacy as a tool for local social justice efforts.

If you did not attend the first nor second parts of Petra Perkins' workshops "God or Mammon:  Money, Core Values, and the Entrepreneurial Life" & "Social Capital: What is it? Why is it hard to measure? Why is it more important than financial capital (especially for women and minorities)?", your attendance is still welcomed.  

Please come and use the prompt below to create a story map to bring with you to this final meeting. 

Create a list (or lists) of words, phrases, or sentences that describe the experiences, culture, and relationships that first formed your attitudes about money and work. 

All ages are welcome!
The Urban League of Tacoma
 2550 South Yakima Street

Petra Perkins is a serial entrepreneur, who is working on her third start-up. She is also a licensed life & health insurance professional, and teaches at in the Business programs at Seattle Central Community College and Tacoma Community College. She holds the Group Benefits Associate designation from the International Society of Certified Employee Benefits Specialists. She is dedicated to demystifying entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial education. She believes that if we teach everyone how to start and run a business, we will have better employees and better businesses.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Conversation Sponsors Public Forum on Charter School Initiative 1240

The Conversation Tacoma would like to invite you to engage in a discussion regarding Charter Schools Initiative 1240. This is an opportunity for the community to engage in a discussion on one of the most important issues affecting our children’s education today.

Date: Wednesday, October 24th

Time:   6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

One of the initiatives on the ballot for Washington voters for November 6, 2012 is Initiative Measure No. 1240. This initiative concerns creation of of a public charter school system. This measure would authorize up to forty public-funded charter schools open to all students, operated through approved, nonreligious, nonprofit organizations, with government oversight; and modify certain laws applicable to them as public schools. 

The event is organized as a Forum which consists of a panel comprised of three opponents and three proponents of I-1240 with opportunity for community questions after the panelists’ presentations. Dr. Dexter Gordon, Professor, University of Puget Sound, is the moderator

Supporting Panelists:
Three representatives from Yes on I-1240 Campaign (names forthcoming)

Opposing Panelists:

Eve Bowen
The Conversation Tacoma
Race & Pedagogy Initiative Community Partner

Patricia Albert

The Conversation Tacoma
Race & Pedagogy Initiative Community Partner

Jennifer Boutell

Field Director
People for Our Public Schools

Location: University of Puget Sound

Kilworth Memorial Chapel
1500 North Warner Street
(North 18th & Warner Street)

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

We look forward to your participation.