Sunday, June 17, 2012

We've Moved!

Hello everyone,

The Conversation has moved to a new location. We are meeting for the first time at The Tacoma Urban league today June 17 It is up the hill from REACH at 2550 S. Yakima Ave.  Please arrive at 11:45 for the 12:00 meeting.

Conversation, 6/17/12

Last week, we conducted a writing workshop that dealt primarily with what we were each going through individually, by looking at our pasts. The goal of last week’s workshop was to have a conversation with our present and past self and to allow us to talk about intrapersonal experience and how we have been affected by external forces, to supplement our conversations about the society we work within.

At this moment of transition, we are entering the summer and want to use today to reflect on, a.) what The Conversation has been to us individually in the past, plus, what it is to us in the present, and b; where we want to see the Conversation go as a group in the year to come.

See you soon.

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