Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sunday September 23rd Building the Event: Martin Luther King Jr Redeeming the Prophetic Vision 2013

Martin Luther King Jr's life, work, and memory as represented in mainstream popular culture are greatly devoid of conversation about creating a reality consistent with the vision King held for the future of humanity. This Sunday the Conversation will look at the forces that have deviated this compassionate political ambition as we lead into organizing the 7th Annual Martin Luther King Redeeming the Prophetic Vision event scheduled in early 2013.

Our celebration will aim to recapture, reinvigorate, and redeem the prophetic vision of Reverend, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 

The Conversation aims to present his vision, with its sharp searing insight and relevance within the context of our current community's healing and development, in contrast with what we have seen as an ongoing effort to render it as benign, anemic, allusive, static, and resolved. We want to bring his vision back to the streets, to the people, where it started, where it belongs, and where it is needed.

Please join  us this Sunday as we begin building an engaging, thought provoking, change provoking, entertaining celebration. We always welcome new voices in The Conversation.

Revisit Our Redeeming the Vision Events Past


 Sunday from 12:00p-2:00p 
@ the Urban League of Tacoma 
(2550 South Yakima Street)

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