Friday, October 12, 2012

Sunday October 14: Race and Presidential Politics Part II

Last week, our discussion was opened with the question, "Can the President talk about race?"

We referenced two current events to put this question in context: anti-Obama protesters performing "empty chair lynchings," and Tucker Carlson's video re-release and polarizing commentary of President Obama speaking about race to a mostly black audience in 2007.

One member shared last week that acts of blatant racism such as these are always "right below the surface." Another person pointed out the active racialization that occurs with anything that President Obama says, even when its not directly related to race.

If there are media examples you would like to share as part of your contribution to the discussion, please send them to

Come prepared to discuss this question further as we build off of last week's dynamic discussion. 


Tacoma Urban League-
2550 South Yakima Street
from 12-2pm


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